*Yes, I can spell. That's a PUN. You know, one of those things that are supposed to be funny? No? Oh, never mind...
So. Where were we? The Middle of Nowhere, that's where.
Our next move was nearly 4 hours south to a place called Kangasniemi. A Finnish LinkedIn contact of mine (hello Tuulikki!) was surprised we'd chosen to stop somewhere so small, but that was before she heard about Puolanka, so, you know...
Why Kangasniemi? Well, because there was a campsite, it was cheap, and it was in the right direction. That's how we choose most of our stops, if we're being completely honest here.
"Kangasniemi" sounds a bit like "Clangers near me". You'll see why this is important in a minute.
But first : the campsite was on a lake. There was an island. There were also CROCODILE BOATS. So obviously, we rowed crocodiles.

Back to the Clangers. If you don't know what Clangers are, then 1. you're missing out and 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clangers (you can thank me later).
The Clangers have a friend called the Iron Chicken, which looks a lot like this thing, found - you guessed it - in Kangasniemi.

Next stop after Kangasniemi was Helsinki, mainly to visit friends from university who we hadn't seen for a veeery long time.
We go by the maxim that guests are like fish - great on the first day, pleasant on the second, can start to smell by the third - and on that basis, we camped for three days before decamping (pun intended) to our friends' house for another two nights. We ate lots of Finnish food (not as bad as Jacques Chirac would have you believe), talked a lot, and put all seven of our collected children in a sauna at the same time. It was fabulous.
There are not many photos from this part of the trip, seeing as our camera and one of the phones decided to quit on us, but there should be more in the next installment!