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Who are we?

Photo du rédacteur: CatherineCatherine

A larger-than-average Franco-British family based on the edges of the Perche region, central France. After living in six different places in ten years, we finally settled down in 2019. But obviously, staying in one place is far too easy, hence the trip.

We like books and music and food and Lego and building dens in the garden.

Contrary to popular belief, we do own a television.

Without further ado, here's a quick rundown of the cast of characters, complete with self-portraits.

Damien, alias PapaPrady.

Age: undisclosed.

Likes: Peas, the accordion, coffee.

Dislikes: The sound of tuned scooters.

Most looking forward to: speaking Greek.

Catherine. That's me.

Age: also undisclosed.

Likes: Words, vegetables, weird upholstery projects.

Dislikes: The smell of hot milk, people talking over each other.

Most looking forward to: Food!

Margaux, alias The Marg, Marghoul, Margueuse...

Age: 12.

Likes: Climbing trees, playing the piano, reading.

Dislikes: Mushrooms, getting out of bed in the morning.

Most looking forward to: visiting lots of countries.

Raphaël, alias Rafiki, Raphounet.

Age: 10.

Likes: Reading, his guitar, chickens, Picsou.

Dislikes: Too much noise, when people clap at Church (see no. 1).

Most looking forward to: learning lots of things about other countries.

Espérance, alias Essie, Nessie, Nessou, Es-ness, Essie-fish...

Age: 8.

Likes: Elephants, reading, climbing trees, singing.

Dislikes: Being told to stop reading and go to sleep.

Most looking forward to: going to Portugal.

Isidore, alias Squiz, Squizou, Iggle Squiggle.

Age: 6.

Likes: The cat (who doesn't particularly like him).

Dislikes: Dunno.

Most looking forward to: Dunno.

(He wasn't in the best mood when I asked him...)

Sophie, alias FiFi, Patafix, Småll.

Age: 4.

Likes: Cuddles, bébéphant (her teddy), crocodiles, playdough.

Dislikes: Getting dressed, cardigans with buttons, having her hair brushed.

Most looking forward to: drawing, apparently.

Plus: Martin, Belle, and Halloumi (Ouessant sheep who are NOT travelling with us), Not-Our-Cat (cat who will be staying with friends... which friends remains to be seen), and The Nuggets (chickens, variable in number). None of the animals wished to contribute self-portraits.

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